
The Thematic Agency for Research in Social and Human Sciences, “TARSHS” is a public institution of administrative character “PIA”. It was created by the Executive Decree No. 12-96 of March 1st, 2012, and placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Scientific Research.

It is governed by the provisions of the  Executive Decree No. 19-232 of 12 Dhou El Hidja 1440 corresponding to  August 13th, 2019, setting out the tasks, organisation and functioning of the thematic research agencies.

its location: Constantine University Pole 3 Ali Mendjli new city Constantine

The Agency is particularly  responsible for the following

  •  To contribute to the development of the national research programs for which it is responsible and to propose priorities among these programs.
  • Develop the annual and multiannual programs of its activities and ensure their implementation.
  • Launch and follow-up on the thematic calls for tenders proposed as part of its programs.
  • Fund selected research projects from program budgets, through agreements and/or contracts.
  • Evaluate the results of scientific research and technological development activities carried out in the scope of its programs.
  • Provide prior advice on plans to establish research entities within its area of expertise and contribute to their evaluation.
  • Identify and select the research results likely to be valorized.
  • Contribute to the exploitation of research results and the implementation of methods and mechanisms of valorization
  • To assist inventors in prototype manufacturing, market research, partner search and patent protection.
  • Promote and energize the mechanisms and channels of support and administrative and financial management of research projects
  • Contribute to the coordination of inter-sectoral relations between all parts involved.
  • Contribute to the material and financial support of scientific, national and international events organized in the fields related to its activities.
  • Ensure the publication and dissemination of research results.
  • Contribute to the setting up of thematic research networks for which it is the establishment of domiciliation.
  • Develop relations of exchange and cooperation with any national or foreign organisation operating in the same field.
  • Prepare an annual report on the results and prospects of the research and valorisation activities it sends to the supervisory authority.

The administrative organisation of the Agency

The TARSHS is administratively organised as follows:

* An Assistant Director in charge of the programming and evaluation of research activities.

* An assistant director in charge of valorisation and external relations.

* A secretary general in charge of the coordination of administrative and technical services.

* A head of department in charge of funding of scientific research and technological development projects.

In order to strengthen the aforementioned administrative structures, administrative services should be required according to the tasks assigned to them.

It is also essential that the Agency be managed by the Orientation Council and the Scientific Council.