Call for proposals from the European Commission for the support of 1200 postdoctoral research projects


In order to disseminate international research funding opportunities, a call for applications for Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (M.S.C.A) postdoctoral fellowships for the year 2023 was opened by the European Commission on 12 current April as part of the Horizon Europe Program.

The allocated budget for this program is 260.47 million euros.

This program makes it possible to support a selection of around 1,200 projects, to strengthen the creative and innovative potential of researchers holding a doctorate, and who wish to acquire new skills: European postdoctoral grants, open to researchers of any nationality wishing to carry out a project in the European Union or in a country associated with Horizon Europe.

The scholarships offered by this program are intended to support the career, research and training of post-doctoral researchers, with a view to acquiring new skills and new experiences, while carrying out their own research project abroad.

For more details, please see the following link: MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (

Important dates:

Call for applications open until September 13, 2023 (deadline for submission of proposals).
Notification of results will be in February 2024,
Signing of grant agreements for the projects selected from the call for applications will take place in March 2024,
Start of the first EU-funded projects will take place between April and May 2024.