The inaugural meeting of the thematic network on education and training


The Thematic Agency for Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities of Constantine (ATRSSH) organized, on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, the inaugural meeting of the thematic network on education and training. The event took place at the Faculty of Information, Communication, and Audiovisual Sciences at the University Constantine 3 Salah Boubnider, under the auspices of the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development (DGRSDT).

More than 100 participants representing various sectors related to education and training, including the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training, and Professional Education, Health, Youth and Sports, Social Solidarity, as well as national organizations such as the National Agency for the Protection of Childhood and Maternity and the Federation of Parents of Students, attended the event.

Research centres such as the National Institute for Research in Education, the Centre for Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology, the Centre for Research in Islamic Sciences and Civilization, and the Centre for Research in Applied Economics also participated. Experts in educational sciences and educational sociology, university professors, and directors of specialized university research laboratories were also part of the event.

The objective of this meeting was to establish the thematic research network, which will work collaboratively with all stakeholders in the education and training sector to consider mechanisms for the development of institutional research covering fundamental aspects related to educational action and the training process. These research initiatives will materialize in the form of calls for projects aimed primarily at finding practical solutions on the ground, surpassing the classical theoretical approach.

Following this session, the announcement of the network’s creation will be followed by subsequent sessions to reflect on the essential axes that should be the actual starting point for the network’s activities, with the hope that all participants will engage and contribute to achieving these objectives in practice.

The national press covered this event.
