Call for Thematic Research Projects


The Thematic Agency for Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities announces the opening of applications for thematic research projects for the year 2024. The Agency proposes to fund several research projects, covering various fields of the social sciences and humanities. Research in these areas plays an essential role in understanding and solving the main problems facing societies. Research must adapt to current social changes and developments, in particular in the fields of digitalisation, mental and social disorders, heritage and its relationship with development, as well as social issues such as labour and migration, which currently pose major challenges in Algeria.

Thematic research projects are designed to address various research issues and are open to all research entities (laboratories, research units, research centres, etc.) as well as to all national researchers and expertise, including those residing abroad. These thematic research projects encourage collaboration with the social and economic partners.


The Agency encourages projects to move beyond basic research and to engage in an analytical and multidisciplinary approach, providing operational solutions to address effectively current social challenges and development needs.


Selection criteria:

– The research teams must be composed of 3 to 6 researchers, and the project coordinator must be a higher-ranking teaching staff.

– The average duration of these projects is 2 years.

– Selection shall be based on the following criteria:

  • The diversity of expertise within the research team and the competence of the researchers.
  • The relevance of the projects to the proposed thematic axes and the problems posed.
  • Clarity and precision of the proposed research results.
  • The contribution of the social partners in the sectors concerned.


Funding criteria:

– The selected projects will be financed to the tune of about 2 000 000,00 DA, allocated exclusively to the management of the project and divided into two tranches, the first tranche representing about 50%.

– The members of each project will receive an annual research grant in accordance with Article 14 of Executive Decree No 21-144 of 17 April 2021, laying down the conditions for carrying out part-time scientific research and technological development activities and their remuneration.


Application procedures:

  • Registration will be open from 01 November 2023 to 30 November 2023.
  • The period from 03 December 2023 to 21 December 2023 is reserved for evaluation and expertise.
  • The results of the evaluation will be reported on 25 December 2023.
  • The period from 25 December 2023 to 31 December 2023 is reserved for appeals.
  • The final list of selected projects will be announced on 7 January 2024.
  • Project start-up agreements will be signed as of 14 January 2024.
  • Registration is via the following link: [insert registration link here].
  • For further information, please contact us at the following email:

Download:   – canevas FR        – canevas AR

  1. Waqf and Its Valorisation Mechanisms in Algeria
  2. Cultural Heritage in Algeria
  3. Labour and Social Issues in Algeria
  4. Digitisation Challenges in Algeria
  5. Addiction in Algeria
  6. The City, Territory and Sustainable Development
  7. Emigration of Algerians and Immigration to Algeria