Call for proposals ERASMUS+ 2023


This call for proposals is based on Regulation (EU) No 2021/817 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2021 establishing “Erasmus+”, the Union program for education, training, youth and sport, as well as on the 2023 “Erasmus+” annual work programmes, covering the period from 2021 to 2027.

The call covers the following key actions:

Mobility of individuals for education and training purposes: Mobility of individuals in the fields of education, training and youth
Youth participation activities,
Action for inclusion;
Virtual exchanges in higher education and the youth field;
Staff mobility in the field of sport
It should be noted that from the year 2023. The mobility program will include a new action, aimed at supporting sports educators, by extending the possibilities of trans-European cooperation and learning to sports organizations and their staff.

Proposals must cover one of the following types of cooperation:

Cooperation between organizations and institutions;
Partnerships for cooperation (cooperative partnerships, simplified partnerships);
Partnerships for excellence (centres of professional excellence, Erasmus Mundus action);
Partnerships in favor of innovation (alliances for innovation, prospective projects);
Capacity building in the fields of higher education, vocational education and training, youth and sport, non-profit European sport events.
Support for policy-making and cooperation: “Young Europeans Together” projects Jean Monnet actions (Jean Monnet actions in the field of higher education, Jean Monnet actions in other fields of education and training).
In addition, it is indicated that any public or private organization working in the fields of education, youth training and sport can submit a request for funding under the “Erasmus +” program.

The countries that can participate fully in all the actions of the “Erasmus+” program are the 27 Member States of the European Union and the overseas territories, the third countries associated with the program, the countries of the EFTA. /E.E.E. (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). Candidate countries for membership of the E.U. namely the Republic of Turkey, the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Serbia.

With regard to the total budget allocated to this call for proposals, it is estimated at 3.393 billion euros, broken down between education and training, up to 2.980 billion euros. Youth for 321 million euros, sport for 65 million euros and Jean Monnet actions for a budget of 26 million euros.
Finally, the detailed conditions of this call for proposals, including the priorities, can be found in the “Erasmus+2023” program guide. Available on the internet link:
The Erasmus+ Program Guide | Erasmus+ (

The awareness and information session on the ERASMUS+ 2023 program of December 9, 2022 is available on the following link:
Erasmus+ Infoday for Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) – Streaming Service of the European Commission (