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What can I do with a sociology degree? | Sociology degree jobs for sociology graduates | Career options to get with a sociology degree


A variety of careers in fields like welfare, education, social research, and local and national government are options by studying sociology.

Job options for Sociology degree holders | Job roles and career choices for sociology majors | Careers with a sociology degree | Sociology degree jobs

Jobs directly connected to your degree in sociology or the jobs you can get with a major in sociology include:

  • Advice worker
  • Community development worker
  • Further education teacher
  • Higher education lecturer
  • Housing manager/officer
  • Marketing Executive
  • Police officer
  • Policy officer
  • Secondary school teacher
  • Social researcher
  • Youth worker
  • Sociology tutors online


Jobs where your degree would be useful include:

  • Charity officer
  • Civil Service administrator
  • Family support worker
  • Human resources officer
  • International aid/development worker
  • Life coach
  • Newspaper journalist
  • Probation officer
  • Public relations officer
  • Social worker
  • Special educational needs coordinator (SENCO)
  • Professional online Sociology tutors


Don’t limit your thinking to the positions listed here; keep in mind that many employers accept applications from graduates with any degree subject.

Work experience | Find organisations providing work experience to social workers

In organisations and companies where you are interested in working, look for volunteer or internship opportunities. Work experience in sociology provides a skill set necessary for your chosen career. For instance, there are volunteer opportunities in schools, community education, and social working departments, as well as working with youth, crime victims, and homeless people.

Internships provide the opportunity for more structured experience in community work if you want to pursue a career in the range of potential career paths, such as law or the Civil Service. Research the company thoroughly before applying because there is fierce competition for positions.

The British Sociological Association promotes opportunities and resources. Additionally, they offer student memberships, which give you access to reading materials, networking opportunities, and a community of sociologists.

Typical employers

Although there are opportunities with a variety of other employers in a variety of sectors both public and private, you may be considering a career service in community work or welfare. They consist of the following:

  • charitable, counselling and voluntary organisations or counsellor
  • law firms
  • the local and central government
  • media companies
  • marketing and PR firms
  • the NHS
  • police and probation services
  • schools, colleges and universities
  • social and market research organisations.


Additionally, there are openings in a range of graduate management training programmes.

Find out about what employers look for in the social care, public administration, public services, and charitable and volunteer work sectors.

Skills for your CV | Skills you will get by studying sociology

Employers value a variety of transferable skills and knowledge, including verbal communication skills, interpersonal, problem-solving, and analytical skills, which are all emphasised in sociology department. Sociology graduates are people with a critical mind who can think laterally. In sociology, you learn to:

  • understanding the complexity and variety of social situations
  • Build a global understanding that spans cultures
  • Research, judge, and evaluate complex information by applying sociological theory to different aspects of society, such as schools, hospitals, and offices.
  • Make reasoned arguments
  • Apply qualitative and quantitative research methods, analysis and statistical techniques
  • Develop opinions and new ideas on societal issues
  • team up with others to collaboratively complete projects
  • Think independently and creatively to comprehend, examine, and reevaluate prevalent conceptions of the social world.
  • Connect sociological understanding to social, political, and governmental policy
  • Keep your work organised and adhere to deadlines.

Further study | Studying further in social policy

To specialise in a field of sociology that interests you, such as social policy, political sociology, or social research, you might consider continuing your education at the master’s level. After that, pursuing a PhD opens up employment opportunities in the field of study.

As an alternative, there are numerous courses that can lead you into various areas of work, such as:

  • community education
  • counselling
  • information management
  • journalism
  • law
  • social work
  • Teaching.

To become a social worker or for understanding it, a bachelor’s or postgraduate degree in social work is essential.

What do sociology graduates do? | Career options for sociology students sociology graduates go

Among the top ten occupations held by many sociology graduates are welfare and housing associate professionals (8%), protective service occupations (7%), care workers (6%), teaching professionals (4%), teaching and childcare support occupations(3%), admin (4%) and sales, marketing, and related associate professionals (3%)






Further study


Working and studying






Graduate destinations for sociology

Type of work


Retail, catering and bar staff


Clerical, secretarial and administrative


Legal, social and welfare


Childcare, health and education





Types of work entered in the UK

Graduate destinations data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency.

